General Information

Hello. I'm Daniel/Dan. I'm a guy from the south and have a lot of pride for it. It's how I grew up and I'll never change my values without reason. I love my country and my heritage and it shows.I'm Mexican-American, but have roots in Norway too. I love all sides of my cultures and spend a lot of time integrating myself in them. Though most of my interest is in America and Mexico.I am a very opinionated person and i'm dedicated to what I believe in. I have a lot of opinions you won't like if youre either a conservative or liberal. If you're any left or right wing I suggest you get your brain checked!


If you're a pansy I'd suggest you hop off now before you get your panties in a bunch.I stand for a lot of things. I guess you could say i'm somewhat of a feminist, since I carry a lot of their values. No, not those 'I hate men' ones. I still have a lot to work on with this stuff but i'm no woman hater.Don't Tread On Me; My favorite flag ever. If you don't like it I suggest you go look some shit up before crying about it and assuming it's racist.
A lot of people assume since I'm more 'right wing' oriented I stand with the Confederate flag. Hell no I don't.
Gun rights and equality are two things that are important to me. If you don't like guns don't even bother. I agree that we shouldn't be able to handle machine guns or any o' that shit. I am a gun enthusiast, so of course I love my second amendment.No, I don't like my government. Or any authority. Military and the fire force are the only respectable fields. Cops are bastardized and the government is corrupt but you all know that.


Right now, i'm mainly focuesed on:
Music history
World history
Western heritage
True crime/animal/war documentaries
Open Season
Stardew Valley


I'm an artist. I love drawing, painting, sculpting and crafting. I also love to write.I love hunting, fishing, camping, and being out in the woods when i'm able to.I have AUDHD, and BPD.I love music, i'm always listening to it nonstop. My favorite genres are Slam, Country, EDM, Industrial, and Metalcore. But I love almost every genre you can think of.My favorite colors are red, green, and black. I love camo. I like my coffee black. I collect backpacks. I love 'maximalism' decor. (and as a stand in politics. Lol)My dream truck is a red or blue 1977 Ford! No lifts or mods.That's about it. If we disagree on some opinions that's just fine. You'll get over it.